Wayne Capital

Scale for Equity

  • We guide small and medium-sized businesses to scale

  • We advise on optimizing their marketing, sales, and operations

  • We boost company value in exchange for equity

Portafoglio Aziendale

Unger Academy

Piattaforma educativa B2C leader in Italia, specializzata in sistemi di trading automatizzati per i mercati finanziari.

Business Warrior

Startup di consulenza e formazione per commerciali e reti vendita, che aiuta le aziende a crescere migliorando la gestione delle vendite e del marketing.


Formiamo un ecosistema di aziende dello stesso settore e ne aumentiamo il valore ottimizzando marketing, vendite e operazioni.

Our Values

Big Fast Value

We rapidly add value by improving efficiency and overcoming bottlenecks that slow down growth.


We evaluate our performance based on the results achieved, maintaining high standards of excellence for the benefit of clients, team, and partners.


We are flexible and ready to respond quickly to changes with creativity and adaptability, overcoming obstacles and seizing opportunities in a dynamic environment.


Growth through Value

Mentorship & Consulting

We offer expert advice to help businesses grow and become more profitable.


We improve offerings, branding strategies, and lead generation, increasing lead flow and conversion rates while reducing customer acquisition costs.


We help optimize sales processes and increase customer lifetime value by fine-tuning pricing and reducing churn rate.


We focus on management control, using detailed data tracking and automation to improve efficiency and boost profits by eliminating bottlenecks.


We leverage our network of suppliers, partners, and clients to build stronger connections and unlock new opportunities.

Transfer of Value

We increase the company value by reducing risks and making it more sellable, preparing it for a potential exit.

The Wayne Process

Our Team

Alvaro Dal Canton

Business Owner since 2013, Two Comma Club X Award winner, specialized in Business Strategy, Growth, Finance, and Systems Automation.

Marco C.


Manager organizzativo dal 2016, specializzato in ristrutturazioni aziendali e ottimizzazione dei processi.

Mathias V.


Imprenditore dal 2015, vincitore del Two Comma Club X Award, specializzato in strategia aziendale, crescita e marketing.

John Doe



In 9 years, we grew our revenue from nothing to 7.9 million euros, achieving a compounded growth rate of 56% per year.

Andrea Unger


Unger Academy

I really appreciated their knowledge and expertise in project management, especially when it came to improving project planning, execution and control in critical projects. If you get the chance to work with them, consider yourself to be quite lucky.

Andreas Flouris



Ufficio: Via Polesine 21, 37134, Verona

Phone: +39.347.1911576

Wayne Capital

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DIGITAL REV ENG SRL società unipersonale – Via Polesine 21, 37134 Verona (Italy) – Full paid-up Share Capital €3,000€ – Tax Code/VAT N°: IT04518710233 – REA: VR-427198

Registration #2110 Press Registry Court of Verona, authorization of 2018-02-23. Editorial Director: Nicolò Monaldi